Monday, April 7, 2014


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

One of the most beautiful things that we experience in life is growth. I love the journey of the caterpillar. Once looked upon as an ugly creature with sticky, slow movement and prickly parts, I have now noticed its amazing strength and beauty. Not because it ultimately transforms into this beautiful butterfly (though I love that part) instead it is because of its beautiful struggle and dependence on its creator to lead it and guide it through....the metamorphosis is simply AMAZING!

I think about myself as well as others who have dreams, desires goals ...PURPOSE in our lives. We were all created with purpose, ALL of us. Sometimes though the journey, the dream that desire does not come to pass fast enough or starts to look bleak for whatever reason (you fill in the blank here). Keep in mind that God has not forgotten about you and rejoice with others when they are blessed because that same God is going to bless you, when it is your time.

You are not forgotten for God loves all of us even when we are unlovable at times; He is that good!

I know that one of my purposes in this life is to encourage others while I encourage myself on this journey. I have dreams and desires too! Surrounded by so many people with dreams and aspirations the problem only becomes one when you forget that God has a purpose for your life and wants you to walk in that purpose. He created you to be unique so a carbon copy of someone else will never work for your specific design. I am talking to myself here too cause like I said I encourage others while encouraging myself! Getting in tune with Him is imperative and surrounding yourself with positive people that will help push you along the way is essential. There is more to life than looking good, getting that husband, having those children, getting that car or house - reaching all your goals and getting money; although those things are great too. 

God reminds us through His word that if you delight yourself in Him, He will grant you the desires of your heart! * (Psalm 37:4)

There is another level though, a spiritual level in which you can start your transformation with Jesus Christ and though things won't always be easy, you can rejoice in hope that all things work together for good for them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose* (Romans 8:28) and enjoy the beautiful struggle that is life and experience this transformation! I long for my soul to be like the butterfly totally changed, TRANSFORMED - able to fly and reflect my own unique fingerprint of colors but I can work hard at being that unique person now by walking in my purpose and learning more about my creator which will eventually teach me more about myself.  We are forever learning and growing, some grow fast, some take their time but the race was not given to the swift but He that endureth to the end!  (Ecc. 9:11)

I didn't realize all these scriptures would come to my head while writing this, but God gets all the glory for the way in which He operates so anyways while I press in this journey called life I hope to encourage anyone who needs a push because we all need love and encouragement. Hold on, keep pushing God has a purpose for your life! 
Peace & Love, God Bless! 


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