Monday, August 18, 2014

A Raw Moment....

I shared this to my Instagram, then later my FB and now my blog.  It means THAT much to me and your responses have been overwhelming.  I am so happy that some of you have been encouraged by this!

‪#‎rawmoment‬ I do this for ministry to Give God the Glory! I've seen more negative pregnancy tests that you can think of and have filled my pillowcase with more tears than I care to share. I have been to a million and one castings and have not gotten cast. I have been broke on more that one occasion so I know what it feels like to not have. I have fallen short many times and felt broken many more times but God has been my only strength! He has given me some beautiful and amazing experiences and He is the one that gives MY life purpose, value and hope. I share this cause so many people are hurting on the inside and dying to have a baby or get ahead in their careers or looking to get married but I want you to know this.... You can smile throught the test, u can make it in whatever you are faced with and you are NOT alone. I used to cry in sadness after I would see a newborn or a mom holding her baby, it is the one thing I have wanted for over 9 years BUT God spared my life and I am thankful! The brain tumor I had could have taken my sight If it would have continued to grow and so now everything I see is beautiful. Life is short....before I pass I want someone to have gotten hope from my experiences, it won't always be easy but you really are‪#‎fearfullyandwonderfullymade‬ and God has a purpose for your life!God can and will take care of you and give you joy in the most unexpected areas of your life, my prayers are with you..... For those who ain't feeling this message please unfollow me, there is more where that came from, peace and love‪#‎infertility‬ ‪#‎life‬ ‪#‎hope‬ ‪#‎faith‬ ‪#‎victory‬ ‪#‎positivevibes‬ ‪#‎courage‬ ‪#‎smallmiracles‬‪#‎braintumor‬ ‪#‎god‬ ‪#‎godsincontrol‬ ‪#‎Jesusheals‬ ‪#‎youarenotalone‬ ‪#‎strength‬‪#‎beautifulstrength‬ btw this is my great nephew he is a blessing from God as all babies are! I just want to thank God that I am emotionally stronger to love on all these babies in my life! ‪#‎family‬