Monday, September 15, 2014

Opinionated Boots

Wherever you go there are people that will have something to say about your life.  One thing to remember though, what they have to say about your life means nothing.  Not that opinions aren’t important or that feedback and constructive criticism aren’t either, just that if we live our lives for others we truly will not ever get to experience the miracle of life that has been given to us.
Now, this doesn’t mean that you should forgo all of your parents’ advice while growing up and do the wildest thing imaginable to prove a point but instead this means “do you.”  You are only given one life so don’t waste it trying to make other people happy, less insecure about themselves and more comfortable with their own mediocrity.  Sorry not sorry.  Sometimes others are able to become great because you dared to become great.  Sometimes others become everything they wanted to be because you decided you would go on to be the best that you could be…..never and I mean NEVER back down because of others’ opinion of you.  We all have an opinion, but what matters most is living your BEST life for you.  Moments come and go, time is always ticking; will you waste another moment living a life filled with FEAR or will you kick the doors to your own greatness down and see what life has in store for YOU? 
If you were looking for a sign, this is it!  Do you; keep it moving and put on your stomping boots cause it’s on!
 Galations 1: 10
For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
