Monday, April 7, 2014

Returning Back to the Potter...

Thursday, June 13, 2013

In the bible we often hear about “the potter’s house.”  The Potter’s House is the dwelling place of the master creator, the potter.  It is the place in which the potter designs, redesigns, molds, forms, cuts, makes with careful and forceful pressure the vessel originally planned for its perfect job, or purpose.
I don’t know much about pottery but I do know that most vessels are made of clay, water, air and heat.  All these things as well as pressure are added to the clay by the potter as it spins on the wheel I like to call life.  We are a work in progress….in the potter’s hands and He has a specific design in mind.
And so, I wonder sometimes if it is even meant for me to know what this specific design is or am I just to go with the flow of the potter as he molds and makes me with each turn, like a lump of clay spinning on the wheel as different elements are introduced to its form with perfect pressure…
In church a while back I remember hearing the words  “and the clay was marred”.  As I looked up these words on google I found Jermiah 8:4.  I have thought about  this scripture a few times before but today it is sitting with me.
But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him. Jeremiah 8:4
What did this mean?  After looking up the word “marred” I found that this meant disfigured, imperfect, its integrity was damaged.  So I got to thinking about different vessels like plates, bowls cups and even a vase.  If any of these vessels became marred then it would not be able to operate as originally intended.  Think about back in the day when you got a chance to make a vase or bowl or cup in art class and how sometimes what you thought would turn out into a vase or bowl, ended up turning into an ashtray or vase for fake flowers (unable to hold water right) because the original construction was not equipped to take on the heat that would solidify the vessel and make it just what it was originally intended to be.
I have found a great need to return to the potter’s house.  There are some things in my makeup that I am seeing are not fit for the intended vessel…though only the potter knows the intended design…this lump of clay can feel that I am at work.  Yes it is true, we are ALL a work in progress, all of us…but today I feel a great press and desire to run back to the potter’s house because only while in the hands of such a creative, loving and careful creator do I feel a longing to fulfill my purpose.
Those feelings embedded, were already part of the original design.  The cares of life without enough water (living water – word of God) caused my clay to somewhat dry up before time, causing lumps, bumps, bubbles and cracks in the frame….allowing little things to seep and creep in knowing darn well that though things look to enter and overtake all the love, time, care and sacrifice that has already been invested in me….this vessel has been spinning on that wheel long enough to see that is not supposed to be me, it is not who I was intended to be.
Have you ever felt this way?

Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.  Isaiah 64:8


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