Monday, September 15, 2014

Opinionated Boots

Wherever you go there are people that will have something to say about your life.  One thing to remember though, what they have to say about your life means nothing.  Not that opinions aren’t important or that feedback and constructive criticism aren’t either, just that if we live our lives for others we truly will not ever get to experience the miracle of life that has been given to us.
Now, this doesn’t mean that you should forgo all of your parents’ advice while growing up and do the wildest thing imaginable to prove a point but instead this means “do you.”  You are only given one life so don’t waste it trying to make other people happy, less insecure about themselves and more comfortable with their own mediocrity.  Sorry not sorry.  Sometimes others are able to become great because you dared to become great.  Sometimes others become everything they wanted to be because you decided you would go on to be the best that you could be…..never and I mean NEVER back down because of others’ opinion of you.  We all have an opinion, but what matters most is living your BEST life for you.  Moments come and go, time is always ticking; will you waste another moment living a life filled with FEAR or will you kick the doors to your own greatness down and see what life has in store for YOU? 
If you were looking for a sign, this is it!  Do you; keep it moving and put on your stomping boots cause it’s on!
 Galations 1: 10
For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Poison Remedy

Hi Guys!
On Monday I suffered a light case of food poisoning which had me on bedrest for about a day and a half but it got me thinking about how I got sick so quickly.  One minute I was feeling good and the next I knew something wasn't right, it was like woah and the next thing you know I was in the bed on "Shut-down" mode.  Thank God we have such amazing bodies that immediately tries to warn us whenever something is wrong and tries to expel that thing, either through vomitting or using the bathroom etc.

We are fearfully and wonderfully made for sure!

Even our spirits go through much needed moments of "shut-down" mode.  Just like the natural reaction of our bodies when we ingest something harmful, our spirit will begin to reject things that are posionous to us, whatever they are.  Sometimes it could be just hanging around negative people, harboring feelings of bitterness, unforgiveness or anger or even just partaking in bad habits such as overeating, smoking etc.  We all go through different experiences and can identify different "poisons" in our lives but it is during these times when we must REST while the healing process does its thing.  You see while I was sick, I had no other choice but to rest.  I didn't feel good so I needed to release in my own way through tears, prayer and help from my husband.  We too, need to REST when we are going through "spiritual" posion.  Let's get one thing straight though, RESTING does not mean giving up.  I repeat, RESTING does not mean giving up!  Sometimes in resting we may be able to reflect and re-evaluate what is helpful for us to regain strength, focus, momentum and overall good health.  In other words how to avoid the different poisons that try to affect your spirit.  Since we are made up of three components:  mind, body and soul there is just no way to have one without the other.  The three form sort of a tripod in our lives and so without enough of one there will not be the balance needed in order to properly FOCUS and proceed with the purpose for our lives.

Have you ever felt like you were knocked of your feet for a moment?  If so, what helped you to get back up and refocused?

Peace & Love,


A positive attitude is not always easy to keep but necessary in order to unlock more of The blessings God has for YOU! Every experience is designed to make you stronger, wiser and better and realize it or not, your journey of hills and valleys is all part of the beautiful process of making you steadfast and unmovable when it comes to your faith in God. Don't lose hope or give up on your dreams or desires, God knows them even more than you! Wanna know what your dream or purpose is? It's usually that thing you already do and don't realize it... That thing that makes you happy when you think on it, that thing that motivates you because you know someway somehow it is yours and it will happen! Don't let that feeling go! Faith without works is dead.... Having a positive attitude is part of your works... It will open doors, lead and inspire you even more for your dreams and you will bless others in the process when you tell em your story....Continue to rejoice in hope and expectation... We are all waiting on some great things to happen but don't forget the greatest thing happening is NOW because you are alive and filled with endless possibilities 🙌 #thankfulformyjourney #rejoicinginthenow #anotherlongone #poetikmindthoughts #keephopealive #faith #holdon #nevergiveup #miracles #blessings #love #expectingthegreat #positivevibes #yourjourney #yourblessings #strength #hope #love #faith

Monday, August 18, 2014

A Raw Moment....

I shared this to my Instagram, then later my FB and now my blog.  It means THAT much to me and your responses have been overwhelming.  I am so happy that some of you have been encouraged by this!

‪#‎rawmoment‬ I do this for ministry to Give God the Glory! I've seen more negative pregnancy tests that you can think of and have filled my pillowcase with more tears than I care to share. I have been to a million and one castings and have not gotten cast. I have been broke on more that one occasion so I know what it feels like to not have. I have fallen short many times and felt broken many more times but God has been my only strength! He has given me some beautiful and amazing experiences and He is the one that gives MY life purpose, value and hope. I share this cause so many people are hurting on the inside and dying to have a baby or get ahead in their careers or looking to get married but I want you to know this.... You can smile throught the test, u can make it in whatever you are faced with and you are NOT alone. I used to cry in sadness after I would see a newborn or a mom holding her baby, it is the one thing I have wanted for over 9 years BUT God spared my life and I am thankful! The brain tumor I had could have taken my sight If it would have continued to grow and so now everything I see is beautiful. Life is short....before I pass I want someone to have gotten hope from my experiences, it won't always be easy but you really are‪#‎fearfullyandwonderfullymade‬ and God has a purpose for your life!God can and will take care of you and give you joy in the most unexpected areas of your life, my prayers are with you..... For those who ain't feeling this message please unfollow me, there is more where that came from, peace and love‪#‎infertility‬ ‪#‎life‬ ‪#‎hope‬ ‪#‎faith‬ ‪#‎victory‬ ‪#‎positivevibes‬ ‪#‎courage‬ ‪#‎smallmiracles‬‪#‎braintumor‬ ‪#‎god‬ ‪#‎godsincontrol‬ ‪#‎Jesusheals‬ ‪#‎youarenotalone‬ ‪#‎strength‬‪#‎beautifulstrength‬ btw this is my great nephew he is a blessing from God as all babies are! I just want to thank God that I am emotionally stronger to love on all these babies in my life! ‪#‎family‬

Monday, April 7, 2014

Dream Thief!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Have you ever had a dream in your heart so grand that you knew ONLY God would be able to make that dream come to pass?  Has that dream been so deeply implanted in your soul that at times you felt the hunger pains when you watched others get served what felt like “your plate” of dreams?  Let’s talk real talk here.  Chances are if you are reading this it is because at one point or another you have felt like someone or somehow your dream has been stolen from you. 

Whether it be a physical blessing or spiritual blessing you know what that thing is I’m sure.  Let’s talk a little about the “dream thief”.  Many times we share our most passionate dreams with close family or friends only to find out later that they received what felt like “your” dream. Whether they have received “your dream” purposely or not, it is easy for seeds of jealousy to sprout up and for your soul to feel betrayed, bitter and alone at times, even to the point of making you lose hope and want to quit.  

Inside, you may feel so ready to give birth to this dream but just don’t see it happening and now have become discouraged in some way shape or form.

If you have never felt this way, continue to read this because it just may happen to you. 

I ain’t talking about a random dream on your bucket list, I am talking about something SO deeply rooted in your soul that you feel almost incomplete before reaching it…whatever that may be.  I’m talking about something you have struggled and suffered to achieve and it has not yet come to pass but it somehow seems like everyone else around you is receiving the very thing you asked God for and yet you continue to wait and hope but it is getting harder and harder and the time is ticking and tocking.

Today I want to encourage you to LIVE and continue to hold onto your faith!  You are still pregnant with your dreams!!!  Just  as a woman who is pregnant with her child makes sure to nurture her child by taking care of herself and preparing for her child by making room in her home, you too must prepare and get ready to receive your dream.  YOUR time is coming!

Live!  By acknowledging your true feelings about the situation you begin to realize where the areas of growth need to occur in your life and you are able to continue on with other assignments that may be on your life before your harvest season comes.  Growth is not easy but necessary.  We all have stages of life that we must grow into in order to get to the next stage and be able to do more with our lives; for example learning to crawl then walk, coo then speak.  I can only imaging the frustration a baby must feel when they want to tell their parent “I’m hungry, feed me” or “I need my diaper changed” it is those times where the baby learns a different way to get their needs met by either crawling or crying.  One thing we can learn from this example is that it is okay to cry for help.  The best place to cry for help is unto the Lord. 

The bible says in Psalm 18:6 “In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.

Psalm 34: 4  “I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”

Just like a loving parent who attends to their child when they cry, so does God.  We can cry unto God through prayer, poetry, music, art or silently through our hearts.  A parent is able to discern their own child’s unique cry, therefore God is able to discern our own.  Don’t hesitate to keep it real with God or talk to Him because you feel like he may not hear you or you feel like you don’t know how to…he hears your way of speaking to him…this is the time to LIVE by practicing prayer and learning to become a prayer warrior!  Trust and believe that He will answer you.

Hold on to your faith!

Faith is one of those things that can try your patience BIG time, trust me I know and can relate!  You must believe that whatever that thing is that is burning so deeply in your heart is, that it will and it shall come to pass and it will be custom-made to fit just for you and your path.  I once heard a person say “God doesn't want to reheat someone else’s blessings and give them to you, he can make one custom made just for you."  Truly I believe this sentiment.  
“Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”  Luke 12:7 
If God knows the numbers of hairs on your head, he knows exactly how to bless you in your season.  So please don’t fret or get discouraged whenever you see the “dream thief” come around, flaunting or rejoicing in their blessings.  There is a reason for their season and their path just the same as there is a reason for yours.  
This is your season of growth and your time will surely come.  Learn if anything to truly rejoice with others when they are blessed, knowing this, that the very God that blessed them is able to bless you in a way that ONLY you can really know just how God did that thing.  “He has made all things beautiful in his time”…(Ecc 3:11 portion).  Remember what God has for you, it is truly for you so walk in confidence knowing that your faith will get stronger, your spirit will grow closer, your appreciation will keep growing, you will become a prayer warrior and your praise is going to be outta this world when YOUR dream comes to pass for you are pregnant with possibilities and God is truly in control!

Until next time!  Peace, love & blessings ~Limarie ~Poetikmind

Returning Back to the Potter...

Thursday, June 13, 2013

In the bible we often hear about “the potter’s house.”  The Potter’s House is the dwelling place of the master creator, the potter.  It is the place in which the potter designs, redesigns, molds, forms, cuts, makes with careful and forceful pressure the vessel originally planned for its perfect job, or purpose.
I don’t know much about pottery but I do know that most vessels are made of clay, water, air and heat.  All these things as well as pressure are added to the clay by the potter as it spins on the wheel I like to call life.  We are a work in progress….in the potter’s hands and He has a specific design in mind.
And so, I wonder sometimes if it is even meant for me to know what this specific design is or am I just to go with the flow of the potter as he molds and makes me with each turn, like a lump of clay spinning on the wheel as different elements are introduced to its form with perfect pressure…
In church a while back I remember hearing the words  “and the clay was marred”.  As I looked up these words on google I found Jermiah 8:4.  I have thought about  this scripture a few times before but today it is sitting with me.
But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him. Jeremiah 8:4
What did this mean?  After looking up the word “marred” I found that this meant disfigured, imperfect, its integrity was damaged.  So I got to thinking about different vessels like plates, bowls cups and even a vase.  If any of these vessels became marred then it would not be able to operate as originally intended.  Think about back in the day when you got a chance to make a vase or bowl or cup in art class and how sometimes what you thought would turn out into a vase or bowl, ended up turning into an ashtray or vase for fake flowers (unable to hold water right) because the original construction was not equipped to take on the heat that would solidify the vessel and make it just what it was originally intended to be.
I have found a great need to return to the potter’s house.  There are some things in my makeup that I am seeing are not fit for the intended vessel…though only the potter knows the intended design…this lump of clay can feel that I am at work.  Yes it is true, we are ALL a work in progress, all of us…but today I feel a great press and desire to run back to the potter’s house because only while in the hands of such a creative, loving and careful creator do I feel a longing to fulfill my purpose.
Those feelings embedded, were already part of the original design.  The cares of life without enough water (living water – word of God) caused my clay to somewhat dry up before time, causing lumps, bumps, bubbles and cracks in the frame….allowing little things to seep and creep in knowing darn well that though things look to enter and overtake all the love, time, care and sacrifice that has already been invested in me….this vessel has been spinning on that wheel long enough to see that is not supposed to be me, it is not who I was intended to be.
Have you ever felt this way?

Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.  Isaiah 64:8



Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I have been meditating on the word lately on the meaning of HOPE.  So what is hope?  Please insert your personal definition below...

When I think about hope the first scripture that comes to my mind is Hebrews 11:1:

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Which brings me back to HOPE.  A friend once told me that HOPE is the ESSENCE of faith.  Whether you can define it or not we all have at one time or another experienced hope but hope is something that you have to keep alive.

So as I go through a very hopeful time in my life right now that I look forward to sharing at a later date (God-willing) here are some scripture verses that have been blessing my soul in terms of hope:

(These are in different translated versions of the bible)

Romans 12:12
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer

1 John 14:27

Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God;believe also in me.

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, said the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Romans 15:13
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 39:7
But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you

Proverbs 10:28
The hope of the righteous shall be gladness: but the expectation of the wicked shall perish.

Mark 9:23
"What do you mean, 'If I can'?" Jesus asked. "Anything is possible if a person believes."

Psalm 71:14
But I will hope continually, and will yet praise you more and more.

Hebrews 11: 1
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Peace and Blessings! 
I would love to read your comments on hope, so please feel free to share!