Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Poison Remedy

Hi Guys!
On Monday I suffered a light case of food poisoning which had me on bedrest for about a day and a half but it got me thinking about how I got sick so quickly.  One minute I was feeling good and the next I knew something wasn't right, it was like woah and the next thing you know I was in the bed on "Shut-down" mode.  Thank God we have such amazing bodies that immediately tries to warn us whenever something is wrong and tries to expel that thing, either through vomitting or using the bathroom etc.

We are fearfully and wonderfully made for sure!

Even our spirits go through much needed moments of "shut-down" mode.  Just like the natural reaction of our bodies when we ingest something harmful, our spirit will begin to reject things that are posionous to us, whatever they are.  Sometimes it could be just hanging around negative people, harboring feelings of bitterness, unforgiveness or anger or even just partaking in bad habits such as overeating, smoking etc.  We all go through different experiences and can identify different "poisons" in our lives but it is during these times when we must REST while the healing process does its thing.  You see while I was sick, I had no other choice but to rest.  I didn't feel good so I needed to release in my own way through tears, prayer and help from my husband.  We too, need to REST when we are going through "spiritual" posion.  Let's get one thing straight though, RESTING does not mean giving up.  I repeat, RESTING does not mean giving up!  Sometimes in resting we may be able to reflect and re-evaluate what is helpful for us to regain strength, focus, momentum and overall good health.  In other words how to avoid the different poisons that try to affect your spirit.  Since we are made up of three components:  mind, body and soul there is just no way to have one without the other.  The three form sort of a tripod in our lives and so without enough of one there will not be the balance needed in order to properly FOCUS and proceed with the purpose for our lives.

Have you ever felt like you were knocked of your feet for a moment?  If so, what helped you to get back up and refocused?

Peace & Love,

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