Monday, April 7, 2014

Dream Thief!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Have you ever had a dream in your heart so grand that you knew ONLY God would be able to make that dream come to pass?  Has that dream been so deeply implanted in your soul that at times you felt the hunger pains when you watched others get served what felt like “your plate” of dreams?  Let’s talk real talk here.  Chances are if you are reading this it is because at one point or another you have felt like someone or somehow your dream has been stolen from you. 

Whether it be a physical blessing or spiritual blessing you know what that thing is I’m sure.  Let’s talk a little about the “dream thief”.  Many times we share our most passionate dreams with close family or friends only to find out later that they received what felt like “your” dream. Whether they have received “your dream” purposely or not, it is easy for seeds of jealousy to sprout up and for your soul to feel betrayed, bitter and alone at times, even to the point of making you lose hope and want to quit.  

Inside, you may feel so ready to give birth to this dream but just don’t see it happening and now have become discouraged in some way shape or form.

If you have never felt this way, continue to read this because it just may happen to you. 

I ain’t talking about a random dream on your bucket list, I am talking about something SO deeply rooted in your soul that you feel almost incomplete before reaching it…whatever that may be.  I’m talking about something you have struggled and suffered to achieve and it has not yet come to pass but it somehow seems like everyone else around you is receiving the very thing you asked God for and yet you continue to wait and hope but it is getting harder and harder and the time is ticking and tocking.

Today I want to encourage you to LIVE and continue to hold onto your faith!  You are still pregnant with your dreams!!!  Just  as a woman who is pregnant with her child makes sure to nurture her child by taking care of herself and preparing for her child by making room in her home, you too must prepare and get ready to receive your dream.  YOUR time is coming!

Live!  By acknowledging your true feelings about the situation you begin to realize where the areas of growth need to occur in your life and you are able to continue on with other assignments that may be on your life before your harvest season comes.  Growth is not easy but necessary.  We all have stages of life that we must grow into in order to get to the next stage and be able to do more with our lives; for example learning to crawl then walk, coo then speak.  I can only imaging the frustration a baby must feel when they want to tell their parent “I’m hungry, feed me” or “I need my diaper changed” it is those times where the baby learns a different way to get their needs met by either crawling or crying.  One thing we can learn from this example is that it is okay to cry for help.  The best place to cry for help is unto the Lord. 

The bible says in Psalm 18:6 “In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.

Psalm 34: 4  “I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”

Just like a loving parent who attends to their child when they cry, so does God.  We can cry unto God through prayer, poetry, music, art or silently through our hearts.  A parent is able to discern their own child’s unique cry, therefore God is able to discern our own.  Don’t hesitate to keep it real with God or talk to Him because you feel like he may not hear you or you feel like you don’t know how to…he hears your way of speaking to him…this is the time to LIVE by practicing prayer and learning to become a prayer warrior!  Trust and believe that He will answer you.

Hold on to your faith!

Faith is one of those things that can try your patience BIG time, trust me I know and can relate!  You must believe that whatever that thing is that is burning so deeply in your heart is, that it will and it shall come to pass and it will be custom-made to fit just for you and your path.  I once heard a person say “God doesn't want to reheat someone else’s blessings and give them to you, he can make one custom made just for you."  Truly I believe this sentiment.  
“Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”  Luke 12:7 
If God knows the numbers of hairs on your head, he knows exactly how to bless you in your season.  So please don’t fret or get discouraged whenever you see the “dream thief” come around, flaunting or rejoicing in their blessings.  There is a reason for their season and their path just the same as there is a reason for yours.  
This is your season of growth and your time will surely come.  Learn if anything to truly rejoice with others when they are blessed, knowing this, that the very God that blessed them is able to bless you in a way that ONLY you can really know just how God did that thing.  “He has made all things beautiful in his time”…(Ecc 3:11 portion).  Remember what God has for you, it is truly for you so walk in confidence knowing that your faith will get stronger, your spirit will grow closer, your appreciation will keep growing, you will become a prayer warrior and your praise is going to be outta this world when YOUR dream comes to pass for you are pregnant with possibilities and God is truly in control!

Until next time!  Peace, love & blessings ~Limarie ~Poetikmind

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